AgroClimate Laboratory Publications

  • Fraisse, C.W., Guindin-Garcia, N., Karrei, M.Z., Cerbaro, V.A., Lazzaretti, A.T. 2024. CIFA: A roadmap for services to monitor weather extremes affecting agriculture under a changing climate. Climate Services 35:100506.
  • Perondi, D., Fraisse, C. W., Watson, J. A., Boote, K. J., Zotarelli, L., Huffaker, R. G. 2023. Assessing the impact of sowing dates and ENSO in a drought index-based insurance for soybean. Climate Risk Management 41:100544.
  • Nóia Jr, R.S., Olivier, L., Wallach D., Mullens E., Fraisse, C. W., Asseng, S. 2023. A simple procedure for a national wheat yield forecast. European J. of Agronomy 148: 126868.
  • De Oliveira, M. A., Cavalheiro, G. G. H., Cerbaro, V. A., Fraisse, C.W. 2023. Clustering Weather Time Series used for Agricultural Disease Alert Systems in Florida. 2023 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), Nashville, TN, USA, 2023, pp. 158-163, doi: 10.1109/ISORC58943.2023.00029.
  • Chaudhary, S., Rajagopalan, K., Kruger, C. E., Brady, M. P., Fraisse, C. W., Gustafson, D., Hall, S. A., Hoogenboom, G., Melnick, R. L., Reyes, J., Stockle, C. O., Sulser, T. B. 2023. Climate analogs can catalyze cross‑regional dialogs for US specialty crop adaptation. Nature Scientific Reports 13:9317.
  • Santos, I. B., Paula-Moraes, S. V., Beuzelin, J. M., Hahn, D. A., Perera, O. P., Fraisse, C. 2023. Factors Affecting Population Dynamics of Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in a Mixed Landscape with Bt Cotton and Peanut. Insects 14(4): 395.
  • Athearn, K., Burani-Arouca, M., Dufault, N., Fraisse, C.W., Freeman, J., et al. 2022. Watermelon planting decisions with multiple risks: A simulation analysis. HortTechnology 32(4): 377-381.
  • Gustafson, D., Asseng, S., Fraisse, C.W., Guan, K. Hoogenboom, G., Kruger, C., Kruse, J., Matlock, M., Melnick, R. et al. 2022. In pursuit of more fruitful food systems. International J. of Life Cycle Assessment.
  • Perondi, D., Nóia Jr, R.S., Zotarelli, L., Mulvaney, M.J., Fraisse, C.W. 2022. Soybean maturity groups and sowing dates to minimize ENSO and extreme weather events on yield variability in the Southeastern US. Agricultural and Forest Met. 324: 109104.
  • Gama. A. B., Perondi, D., Dewdney, M., Fraisse, C.W., Small, I., Peres, N.A. 2022. Evaluation of a multi‑model approach to estimate leaf wetness duration: an essential input for disease alert systems. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 149:83-99.
  • Nóia Jr, R.S., Fraisse, C.W., Bashyal, M., Mulvaney, M.J., Seepaul, R., Karrei, M.A.Z., Iboyi, J.E., Perondi, D., Cerbaro, V.A., Boote, K.J. 2022. Brassica carinata as an off-season crop in the southeastern USA: Determining optimum sowing dates based on climate risks and potential effects on summer crop yield. Agricultural Systems (196) 103344.
  • Onofre, T.B., Fraisse, C.W., McNair, J., Judge, J., Zotarelli, L., Peres, N.A. 2021. A design and development experience of an internet of things platform to monitor site-specific weather conditions at the farm level. Applied Engineering 37(4):691-700.
  • Onofre, T.B., Fraisse, C.W., McNair, J., Judge, J., Zotarelli, L., Peres, N.A. 2021. Development of a wireless sensor network for field level strawberry disease alert systems. Applied Engineering 37(1):183-192.
  • Swarup, A., Lee, W.S., Peres, N., Fraisse, C. 2021. Strawberry plant wetness detection using color and thermal imaging. J. of Biosystems Engr. 45: 409-421.
  • Araghi, A., Jaghargh, M.R., Maghrebi, M., Martinez, C.J., Fraisse, C.W., Olesen, J.E., Hoogenboom, G. 2021. Investigation of satellite-related precipitation products for rainfed wheat production systems modeling. Agricultural Water Management 258 107222.
  • Gustafson, D., Asseng, S. et al. 2021. Supply chains for processed potato and tomato products in the United States will have enhanced resilience with planting adaptation strategies. Nature Food 2: 862-872.
  • Onofre, T.B., Fraisse, C.W., McNair, J., Judge, J., Zotarelli, L., Peres, N.A. 2021. Development of a wireless sensor network for field level strawberry disease alert systems. Applied Engineering 37(1):183-192.
  • Perondi, D., Fraisse, C.W., Dewdney, M.M., Cerbaro, V.A., Andreis, J.H.D., Gama, A.B., Silva Jr., G.J., Amorim, L., Pavan, W., Peres, N.A. 2020. Citrus advisory system: A web-based postbloom fruit drop disease alert system. 2020. Computers & Electronics in Agric. (178)1:9.
  • Nóia Jr., R., Fraisse, C.W., Karrei, M.A.Z. Cerbaro, V.A., Perondi, D. 2020. Effects of the El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomenon and sowing dates on soybean yield and on the occurrence of extreme weather events in southern Brazil. Agric. & Forest Met. (290): 1-15.
  • Breuer, N., Fraisse, C.W. 2020. Climate Services for Agricultural and Livestock Producers: What have we learned? Agrometeoros v.28, e023354.
  • Fraisse, C.W., Breuer, N, Cabrera, V. 2019. Developing climate-based decision support systems from agricultural systems models. In: Boote, K. (ed.) Advances in crop modelling for a sustainable agriculture. ISBN-13: 978-1786762405. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 22 p.
  • Perondi, D., Fraisse, C.W., Staub, C.G., Cerbaro, V.A., Barreto, D.D., Pequeno, D., Mulvaney, M., Troy, P., Pavan, W. 2019. Crop season planning tool: Adjusting sowing decisions to reduce the risk of extreme weather events. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (156) 62-70.
  • Noia, R., Fraisse, C.W., Cerbari, V., Karrei, M., Guindin, N. 2019. Evaluation of the Hargreaves-Samani method for estimating reference evapotranspiration with ground and gridded weather data sources. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 35(5): 823-835.
  • Ixchel, M.H., Pequeno, D., Reynolds, M., Babar, M.A., Sonder, K., Milan, A.M., Hoogenboom, G., Robertson, R., Gerber, S., Rowland, D., Fraisse, C.W., Asseng, S. 2019. Adapting irrigated and rainfed wheat to climate change in semi-arid environments: Management, breeding options and land use change. European Journal of Agronomy 109 12915.
  • Chaulagain, B. Small, I., Shine, J., Fraisse, C.W., Raid, R., Rot, P. 2019. Weather-based predictive modeling of orange rust of sugarcane in Florida. Phitopathology.
  • De Lima, M.J.A., Oliveira, E.C., Sampaio, L., Fraisse, C.W., Souza, P.J. 2019. Agrometeorological analysis of the soybean potentiality in an Amazonian environment. Pesq. Agropec. Trop. 49 e54595.
  • Gelcer, E., Fraisse, C.W., Zotarelli, L., Perondi, D., Mália, H.A., Ecole, C.C., Migliaccio, K.W. 2018. A Smart Irrigation Tool to Determine the Effects of ENSO on Water Requirements for Tomato Production in Mozambique. Water 10(12), 1820;
  • Wagner, A.P., Wallau, M., Fontana, D.C., Carvalho, P.C.F., Fraisse, C.W. 2018. Vegetation indices variability in the Pampa grasslands in Brazil and Uruguay. Agrometeoros v. 26, n. 1. 83-92.
  • Diehl, D.C., Sloan, N.L., Garcia, E.P., Galindo-Gonzalez, S., Dourte, D. R., Fraisse C.W. 2017. Climate-Related Risks and Management Issues Facing Agriculture in the Southeast: Interviews with Extension Professionals. Article 1FEA2. Journal of Extension (On-line) 55 (1):
  • Fraisse, C.W., Andreis, J.H., Borba, T., Cerbaro, V., Gelcer, E., Pavan, W., Pequeno, D., Perondi, D., Shen, X., Staub, C., Uryasev, O., Wagner, A. 2016. AgroClimate – Tools for managing climate risk in agriculture. Agrometeoros J. 24(1): 121-129.
  • Diehl, D., Garcia, E.P., Sloan, N.L., Dourte, D.R., Galindo-Gonzalez, S., Fraisse, C.W. 2016. From Resistance to Receptiveness: Farmer Willingness to Participate in Extension Discussions About Climate Variability and Climate Change. J. of Human Sciences and Extension 4(3):61-74.
  • Dourte, D.R., Gelcer, E., Uryasev, O., Staub, C., Barreto, D.D., Fraisse, C.W. 2016. Gridded, monthly rainfall and temperature climatology for El Niño Southern Oscillation impacts in the United States. International J. of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4820
  • Montone, V.O., Fraisse, C. W., Peres, N. A., Sentelhas, P.C., Gleason, M., Ellis, M., Schnabel, G. 2016. Evaluation of leaf wetness duration models for operational use in strawberry disease-warning systems in four US states. International J. of Biometeorology. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-016-1165-4.
  • Migliaccio, K.W., Morgan, K.T., Vellidis, G., Zotarelli, L., Fraisse, C.W., Zurweller, B.A., Andreis, J.H., Crane, J., Rowland, D. 2016. Smartphone Apps for Irrigation Scheduling. Transactions of the ASABE 59(1):291-301.
  • Vellidis, G., Liakos, V., Andreis, J.H., Perry, C.D., Porter, W.M., Barnes, E.M., Morgan, K.T., Fraisse, C.W., Migliaccio, K.W. 2016. Development and assessment of a smartphone application for irrigation scheduling in cotton. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127:249–259.
  • Migliaccio, K.W., Morgan, K.T., Fraisse, C.W., Vellidis, G., Andreis, J.H. 2015. Performance evaluation of urban turf irrigation smartphone app. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 118:136-142.
  • Dourte, D., Fraisse, C.W., Bartels. W. 2015. Exploring changes in rainfall intensity and seasonal variability in the Southeastern U.S.: Stakeholder engagement, observations, and adaptation. Climate Risk Management 7:11-19.
  • Torres, C., Kohmann, M., Fraisse, C.W. 2015. Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions for carbon neutral farming in the Southeastern USA. Agricultural Systems 137:64-75.
  • Makiya, I.K., Fraisse, C.W. 2015. Sustainability initiatives driving supply chain: Climate governance on beef production system. J. Technology Management and Innovation 10 (1):215-224.
  • Diehl, D., Sloan, N.L., Galindo-Gonzalez, S., Bartels, W., Dourte, D.R., Furman, C., Fraisse, C.W. 2015. Toward engagement in climate training: Findings from interviews with agricultural extension professionals. Journal of Rural Social Sciences 30(1):25-50.
  • Ramírez Rodrigues M.A., Asseng S, Fraisse C.W., Stefanova L, Eisenkolbi A 2014. Tailoring wheat management to ENSO phases for increased wheat production in Paraguay. Climate Risk Management 3:24-38.
  • Jones, C.D., Morgan, K.T., Porter, C.H., Wu, J.Z., Fraisse, C.W., Zotarelli, L. 2014. Addition of a two-dimensional water balance model to the DSSAT-CSM. Transactions of the ASABE 57(6):1643-1656.
  • Dourte, D., Fraisse, C.W., Uryasev, O. 2013. Water Footprint on AgroClimate: A dynamic, web-based tool for comparing agricultural systems. Agricultural Systems 125 (2014) 33–41.
  • Gelcer, E., Fraisse, C.W., Dzotsi, K., Hu, Zhengjun, Mendes, R., Zotarelli, L. 2013. The effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation on the space-time variability of Agricultural Reference Index for Drought in mid-latitudes. Agric. For. Meteorol. 174-175:110-128.
  • Zortea, T., Fraisse, C.W., Dewdney, M. 2012. Development of a web-based system to optimize copper fungicide application in citrus groves. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 29(6):893-903.
  • Bartels, W., Furman, C.A., Diehl, D.C., Royce, F.S., Dourte, D.R., Ortiz, B.V., Zierden, D., Irani, T.A., Fraisse, C.W., Jones, J.W. 2012. Warming up to climate change: a participatory approach to engaging with agricultural stakeholders in the Southeast US. Regional Environmental Change J. 13(1):45-55.
  • Woli, P., Jones, J.W., Ingram, K.T., Fraisse, C.W. 2012. Agricultural reference index for drought (ARID). Agronomy Journal 104(2):287-300.
  • Jones, C.D., Fraisse C.W., Ozores-Hampton, M. 2012. Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from open-field Florida tomato production. Agricultural Systems 113:64-72.
  • Pathak, T.B., Jones, J.W., Fraisse, C.W., Wright, D., Hoogenboom, H. 2012. Cotton yield forecasting for the southeastern United States using climate indices. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 28(5):711-723.
  • Pathak, T.B., Jones, J.W., Fraisse, C.W., Wright, D., Hoogenboom, H. 2012. “Uncertainty analysis and parameter estimation for the CSM-Cropgro-Cotton model. Agronomy Journal 104(5):1363-1373.
  • Fraisse, C.W., Jones, J.W. 2012. Climate variability and change: characteristics and linkages. Cardi Review 12:3-8.
  • Rodrigues, R.A., Pedrini, J.E., Fraisse, C.W., Fernandes, J.M., Justino, F.B., Heinemann, A.B., Costa, L.C., Vale, F.R. 2012. Utilization of the CropGro-Soybean model to estimate yield loss caused by Asia rust in cultivars with different cycles. Bragantia 71(2):308-317.
  • Roncoli, C., Breuer, N., Zierden, D., Fraisse, C.W., Broad, K., Hoogenboom, G. 2012. The art of science: Climate forecasts for wildfire management in the southeastern United States. Climate Change 113 (4):1113-1021.
  • Royce, F.S., Fraisse C.W., Baigorria, G. A. 2011. ENSO classification indices and summer crop yields in the Southeastern USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151:817-826.
  • Pavan, W., Fraisse, C.W., Peres, N.A. 2011. Development of a web-based disease forecasting system for strawberries. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 75(1):169-175
  • Fraisse, C.W., Hu, Z., Simonne, E.H. 2010. Effect of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the number of leaching rain events in Florida and implications on nutrient management for tomato. HortTechnology 20:120-132.
  • Breuer, N.E., Fraisse, C.W., Cabrera, V.E. 2010. The Cooperative Extension Service as a boundary organization for diffusion of climate forecasts: a five-year study. Journal of Extension (On-line), 48(4) Article no. 4RIB7.
  • Persson, T., Garcia y Garcia, A., Paz, J.O., Fraisse, C.W., Hoogenboom, G. 2010. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions due to the use of bio-ethanol from wheat grain and straw produced in the southeastern USA. Journal of Agricultural Science 148(5):511-527.
  • Garcia y Garcia, A., Persson, T., Paz, J.O., Fraisse, C.W., Hoogenboom, G. 2010. ENSO-based climate variability affects water use efficiency of rainfed cotton grown in the southeastern USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 139(4):629-635.
  • Fraisse, C.W., Breuer, N.E., Zierden, D., Ingram, K.T. 2009. From climate variability to climate change: Challenges and opportunities to extension. Journal of Extension (On-line), 47(2) Article 2FEA9.
  • AitSahlia, F., Wang, C., Cabrera, V.E., Uryasev, S., Fraisse, C.W. 2009. Optimal crop planting schedules and financial hedging strategies under ENSO-based climate forecasts. Annals of Operations Research (On-line) DOI 10.1007/s10479-009-0551-2.
  • Breuer, N.E., Fraisse, C.W., Hildebrand, P.E. 2009. Molding the pipeline into a loop: The participatory process of developing AgroClimate a Decision Support System for climate risk reduction in agriculture. J. of Service Climatology (On-Line), 1, 1-12.
  • Pavan, W., Fernandes, J.M.C., Holbig, C.A., Fraisse, C.W. 2009. Padrões de projeto aplicados a modelos de simulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento de culturas (Standard projects applied to crop growth and development simulation models). Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada (1)1:15-29.
  • Fraisse, C.W., Cabrera, V.E., Breuer, N.E., Baez, J., Quispe, J., Matos, E. 2008. El Niño – Southern Oscillation Influences on Soybean Yields in Eastern Paraguay. International Journal of Climatology 28:1399-1407.
  • Liu, J., Men, C., Cabrera, V.E., Uryasev, S., Fraisse, C.W. 2008. CVaR model for optimizing crop insurance under climate variability. J. of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47(10):2572–2580.
  • Favreto K., Pavan, W., Fernandes, J.M.C., Cervi, C.R., Dalbosco, J., Fraisse, C.W. 2008. Um protótipo de ambiente web para a linguagem R (A prototype of web environment for the R language). Revista Hífen (Online), 32(62) Art. 4611
  • Pathak, T. B., Fraisse, C.W., Jones, J.W., Messina, C.D., Hoogenboom, G. 2007. Use of global sensitivity analysis for cotton model development. Transactions of the ASABE 50(6):2295-2302.
  • Paz, J.O., Fraisse, C.W., Hatch, L.U., Garcia y Garcia, A., Guerra, L.C., Uryasev, O. (&), Bellow, J.G., Jones, J.W., Hoogenboom, G. 2006. Development of an ENSO-based Irrigation Decision Support Tool for Peanut Production in the Southeastern US. Computers & Electronics in Agriculture 55(1):28-35.
  • Garcia y Garcia, A., Hoogenboom, G., Guerra, L.C., Paz, J.O., Fraisse, C.W. 2006. Analysis of interannual variation of peanut yield in Georgia using a dynamic crop simulation model. Transactions of the ASABE 49(6):2005-2015.
  • Cabrera, V., Fraisse, C.W., Letson, D., Podesta, G., Novak, J. 2006. Impact of climate information on reducing farm risk by optimizing crop insurance strategy. Transactions of the ASABE 49(4):1223-1233.
  • Fraisse, C.W., Breuer, N.E., Zierden, D., Bellow, J.G. Paz, J.O., Cabrera, V.E., Garcia y Garcia, A., Ingram, K.T., Hatch, U., Hoogenboom, G., Jones, J.W., O’Brien, J.J. 2006. AgClimate: A climate forecast information system for agricultural risk management in the southeastern USA. Computers & Electronics in Agriculture 53(1):13-27.