Climate Variability to Climate Change: Extension Challenges and Opportunities in the Southeast USA

About the Project
A 5-year project funded by USDA NIFA (grant no. 2011-67003-30347). The project aims at increasing the climate literacy of Extension faculty and producers in combination with an open discussion among stakeholders, extension and research faculty about climate and agriculture. The results of this project will lead to an effective engagement of stakeholders in the development of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that are scientifically sound and economically feasible.
Fact Sheets
- Farm Weather Station: Installation and Maintenance Guidelines
- The Spread and Recent Extent of Irrigation in the Southeast
- Climate Variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) basics
- ENSO and Impacts on Agriculture in the Southeastern
- Fact sheets for Extension and producers – 17 new educational resources were developed during the last year. Please use the link to view the complete list at:
- Fact sheets at and
o Temperature Trends in the Southeast, Precipitation Trends in the Southeast, Weather versus Climate, El Nino and La Nina Impacts in the Southeast, Drought in the Southeast: Agricultural and Hydrological Drought, Rain Intensity Changes in the Southeastern U.S., Irrigation Extension Personnel in the Southeastern U.S., Crop Insurance Basics, Crop Insurance: yield and revenue policies, Adopting Irrigation to reduce climate risk - Monthly Georgia climate summaries produced and disseminated on, through Southeast Regional Climate Center, blog entries, and published on GA FACES each month.
- 4-H Weather and Climate Toolkit (4 modules):
o Module 1- How do Scientists Measure and Study the Weather?
o Module 2- How do Scientists Study Climate?
o Module 3- How do you Become Climate-wise?
o Module 4- How do Humans and Climate Interact
- Fact sheets at and
o 4-H Weather and Climate Toolkit Factsheet - 4-H Weather and Climate Toolkit was revised to increase volunteer and youth understanding of the agronomic management adaptation aspect of this grant in relation to climate variability
- Furman, C. Roncoli, C., Boudreau, M., Bartels, W., Gray, H. and G. Hoogenboom. 2011. Climate Services for underserved communities: Empowering African American farmers. Paper presented at the 69th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference at Tuskegee University on December 4-‐6, 2011
- Boudreau MA, Furman CA, Darby L, McKnut C. 2011. Anticipating Drought on Rainfed Farms in the Southeast. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension bulletin 1403.
- Fraisse CW, Breuer NE, Zierden D. 2011. Drought decision-‐support tools: introducing the Keetch Byram Drought Index – KBDI. UF IFAS Extension #AE471.
- Ortiz BV, Fraisse C. 2011. Climate variability associated with La Niña or El Niño phases: introducing the climate risk tool. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Agronomy and Soil Series. Timely Information: Agriculture & Natural Resources.
- Fraisse CW, Gelcer EM, Woli P. 2011. Drought decision-‐support tools: introducing the Agricultural Reference Index for Drought – ARID. UF IFAS Extension #AE469.
- Furman, C., Bartels, W., Royce, F. 2012 Climate-‐savvy farming: reduce your risks by weaving climate information into your management decisions. Federation of Southern Cooperatives Small-‐farmer Conference in Albany GA February 10-‐11, 2012
- Furman, C., Roncoli, C., Bartels, W., Boudreau, M., Crockett, H., Gray, H., Hoogenboom, G. 2012. “If you don’t plan, you plan to fail”: enhancing drought preparedness among African American farmers. Submitted to Journal of Agricultural Systems
- Bartels, W., Furman, C.A., Diehl, D.C., Royce, F.S., Dourte, D.R., Ortiz, B., Zierden, D., Irani, T.A. Fraisse, C., and J.W. Jones. (submitted) Warming up to climate change: A participatory approach to engaging with agricultural stakeholders in the Southeast US. Journal of Regional Environmental Change
- Bartels, W. and C. Furman. 2012. Warming up to climate change: Strategies for engaging with diverse agricultural stakeholder groups in the southeast USA. Paper presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Bays, Boundaries and Borders. Baltimore, MA. March 27-‐31, 2012
- Bartels W, Furman CA, Royce F, Ortiz B, Zierden D, Fraisse C. 2012. Developing a learning community: Lessons from a climate working group for agriculture in the southeast USA. Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC Technical Report 12-‐ 002:00-‐00.
- Bartels W, Furman CA, Royce F. 2012. Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change among African American growers in the Southeast USA. Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC Technical Report 12-‐003:00-‐00.
- Bartels, W., Furman, C.A., Royce, F, Ortiz, B., Zierden, D., and C. Fraisse. 2012. Developing a learning community: Lessons from a climate working group for agriculture in the southeast USA. Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: 12-‐002:00-‐ 00
- Loison, R., Rowland, D., Faircloth, W., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., George, S. 2012. Effect of cattle grazing in a Bahiagrass-‐based rotation on cotton root dimensions. Crop Management: doi: 10.1094/CM-‐2012-‐0925-‐02-‐RS.US.
- Dourte DR, Fraisse CW. 2012. What is a Water Footprint?: An Overview and Applications in Agriculture. UF IFAS Extension #AE484.
- Fraisse CW, Woli P, Ingram KT. 2011. Drought decision-‐support tools: introducing the Lawn and Garden Moisture Index – LGMI. UF IFAS Extension #AE470.
- Ortiz BV, Tappley M, van Santen E. 2012. Planting Date and Variety Selection Effects on Wheat Yield. Alabama Cooperative Extension System: ANR-‐1442.
- Reshmi Sarkar R, Ortiz BV, Sharda V, Srivastava P. 2012. The ABCs of Climate Variability. Alabama Cooperative Extension System: ANR-‐1437.
- Dourte DR, Fraisse CW, Balkcom K, Brock K, Dillard J, Duzy L, Khalilian A, Love J, Marois J, Perry C, Porter W, Wright D, Zotarelli L. 2012. Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change series:
- Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change: Sod-‐based Rotation
- Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change: Conservation Tillage
- Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change: High-‐ residue Cover Crops
- Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change: Microirrigation
- Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change: Variable-‐ Rate Irrigation
- Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change: Sensor-‐ Based, Variable-‐Rate Nitrogen Management
- Agricultural Management Options for Climate Variability and Change: AgroClimate
- Usefulness and Uses of Climate Forecasts for Agricultural Extension in South Carolina, USA. Templeton, S., M. Shane Perkins, William C. Bridges, Jr., Heather Dinon Aldridge, and Bridget Robinson Lassiter. 2013. Regional Environmental Change 13 (4)
- Social Justice in Climate Services: Engaging African American Farmers in the American South. Furman, C. Roncoli, C. Bartels, W. Boudreau, M. Gray, H. Crockett, H. Hoogenboom, G. Climate Risk Management. (in press)
- Impact of historical weather, regional weather reanalysis, and GCM downscaling on wheat and maize forecast production in southeast US. Cammarano, D., L. Stefanova, B. V. Ortiz, M. R. Rodrigues, S. Asseng, G. Vellidis, V. Misra, G. Wilkerson, B. Basso, J. W. Jones, K. Boote. 2013. Regional Environmental Change Journal.
- Location, Seeding Date, and Variety Interactions on Winter Wheat Yield in the Southeast USA. Tapley, M., B. V. Ortiz, and E. van Santen. 2013. Agronomy Journal 105:1–10.
- WaterFootprint on AgroClimate: a dynamic, web-based tool for comparing agricultural systems in Agricultural Systems (in press)
- Simulating planting date effects on winter wheat production for various ENSO phases using the CERES wheat model. Tapley, M., B. V. Ortiz, and G. Hoogenboom. Under revision by the Field Crops Research Journal.
- Climate forecasting gaining traction with farmers. Southeast Farm Press magazine. March 25, 2013. Langcuster, J. (Southeast Farm Press magazine – Circulation: 50,000 in the Southeast)
- Diehl, D. Sloan, N. Galindo-Gonzalez, S., Dourte, D., Bartels, W., Furman, C., Fraisse, C. Recommendations for Climate Training Content and Delivery: Findings from Cooperative Extension Interviews, Journal of Rural Social Sciences (Submitted July 30, 2014)
- Furman, C. Roncoli, C. Nelson, D. Hoogenboom, G. (2014) Growing food, growing a movement: climate adaptation and civic agriculture in the Southeastern United States. Agriculture and Human Values 31 (1) 69-82
- Furman, C. Roncoli, C. Bartels, W., Boudreau, M., Crockett, H., Gray, H., Hoogenboom, G. (2014) Social justice in climate services: engaging African American Farmers in the American South. Climate Risk Management 2 (1) 11-25 (975 total views and downloads)
- Templeton, S., M. Shane Perkins, William C. Bridges, Jr., Heather Dinon Aldridge, and Bridget Robinson Lassiter. 2014. Usefulness and Uses of Climate Forecasts for Agricultural Extension in South Carolina, USA. Regional Environmental Change 14 (2, April): 645-655.
- Monthly Georgia climate summaries produced and disseminated on, through Southeast Regional Climate Center, blog entries, and published on GA FACES each month.
- Knox, P, Fuhrmann, C., and Konrad, C. Challenges and Opportunities for Southeast Agriculture in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from State Climatologists. The Southeastern Geographer, volume 54, no. 2, 118-136, DOI: 10.1353/sgo.2014.0017.
- Woli, P., B.V. Ortiz, D. Buntin, K. Flanders. 2014. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Effects on Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Infestation in the Southeastern USA. Environmental Entomology Journal. doi: